Cable Assemblies and Thermoplastic Extrusion for Over 60 Years | Sanlo

Two Safety & Emergency Cables That Keep Workers Safe

Written by admin | Sep 30, 2022 11:00:00 AM

When it comes to safety and emergency systems, Sanlo shutoff and Lock Out Tag Out cables are an absolute necessity. These products are critical in emergency situations because they keep employees out of harm’s way during regular operation and disaster situations. Engineered with durable cable assemblies and high visibility jacketing, these safety systems can withstand the rigors of construction sites, manufacturing facilities, and a wide range of other industrial environments. Do not put your employees or equipment in added danger; put safety first and rely on safety cables from Sanlo.

1. Our shutoff cables keep employees and equipment safe during emergencies. They shut down dangerous equipment in critical situations, ensuring workers do not become injured by conveyor belt systems. These cables are coated in a high visibility red vinyl that is easily seen and located when needed, and they are also durable. For easy installation in the field, we sell a broad selection of hardware including clamps, eyebolts, and thimbles.

2. Lock Out Tag Out assemblies are another effective safety tool to prevent accidents. They are used to protect employees by disconnecting equipment from their energy source. The Lock Out Tag Out program is an OSHA requirement, and it adds an additional layer of safety for employees while they service and maintain equipment. They help ensure machines are not unintentionally or unexpectedly started. Like our shutoff cables, Lock Out Tag Out assemblies are durable enough to withstand industrial workplace conditions in a broad range of facilities and worksites. They come in a variety of different sizes and colors to meet the needs of your specific application.

Make safety a priority with the help of emergency shutoff cables and Lock Out Tag Out cable assemblies. For additional information about these two products, visit or submit a quote request. To contact us directly, email or call +1-800-275-5408 (toll free).